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Park Bin

Park Bin

A green park bin model. This is a re-design of a previous model with new textures. While this one has 3000 more polygons that the last version, the topology is much cleaner and smoother. Includes diffuse, normal, and roughness 4K textures.

Faces: 3990

Verts: 3992

wet floor sign.png

Wet Floor Sign

A yellow, plastic wet floor sign 3D model. Includes newly created and baked 4K textures including diffuse, normal, and roughness maps.

Faces: 2724

Verts: 2608

Red Drum Asset Image.png

Rusty Oil Canister

An oil drum canister 3D model. This is a re-design of a previous model with newly created and baked textures including diffuse, normal, metallic, and roughness maps.

Faces: 956

Verts: 946

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